So, into the ground went a bunch of Kohlrabi. Why because last year the deer ate them ALL and there is nothing better than a cold, raw kohlrabi...who knew? I didn't until a couple of years ago...after the first bite I was a goner...they are really that good. For some reason, I always buy way too many tomatoes. I am not a good tomato grower. They seem to look at me and laugh. "You know that I will grow and sprout a bunch of little tomatoes and then the blight will come, don't you?", they say to me. Still, hope springs eternal in a gardener's heart, I put in 10 this year.
I'm friends with the owner of this family run nursery/vegetable market and when I bought my plants we stood in the outrageously hot greenhouse talking about the lack of rain, the farm bills running through Congress, the health of the sustainable Portage County farming community, how to keep the Blight off tomatoes and just generally catching up after the long winter. I told her the story of our garden "tractor" we just purchased and how I was now calling myself a farmer since I "officially" own a tractor now. She laughed companionably and totally got it. We talked about our deer herd since she lives just south of me and the same deer that plague me eat her for profit vegetables. A much bigger problem for her than for me just losing my summer veggies. Yet again, she understood and commiserated and agreed that if I could get a bigger operation going that I had a good place to sell organic veggies.
Not my backyard but this is summer sunset in the city! |