Evidently, according to this bill S. 510 if it passes, I will become a felon if I sell my produce at farm markets or want to save some of my heirloom seeds. This is such an important bill to OPPOSE due to its over-reaching big brother-ish tenets that I am going to speak of it here.
Now in my mind, it is really not a good idea to let the government have this kind of control over what you can plant. First, this will totally derail the small, organic and local food supply movement. Remember when gas was $4/gallon...well what if it went up to $8? I live in NE Ohio. Its cold and snowy here, I still like to eat fresh produce. Will I pay $8 for a green pepper...probably not. Instead, I'll look at how I can provide my family with fresh veggies in winter. That will probably be illegal. I'd get fined or go to jail..3 squares a day and housing with exercise? Hmmm, right now, that might sound good to my underemployed self. But is it reasonable to think in AMERICA, I should go to jail for putting seeds into the ground that I saved last summer? I'm just sayin'.
Even if you don't care about gardening or where your food comes from...think of it this way. It really is MY right to decide how I want to feed my family...this is rocket science folks. For those of you who are a lot smarter than me, NO, I have not read the bill in totality. But I do know that the small food, organic organizations have been all over this, all over Monsanto for its let's go GMO campaign. We, the people, need to be more aware of how we eat, what we eat and where it comes from. Aside from the fact that its just not right. So, enough ranting...go check it out yourself and then ACT...call somebody..like your senator or the president and put some pressure on them. Otherwise, we'll all be eatin' powdered Mac & Cheese out of a box and YOU'D BETTER LIKE IT!!!
Well I am very new to this subject and was not acquainted with bill S.510. I did follow the link you posted and tried to develop a quick understanding. Maybe you can explain more how it will affect you and other individual growers......for slow learners like moiself! Oh...and I love the photo of your backyard!