It's All About the Little Things
Several weeks ago, I was traveling from Ohio back to Indiana. It was a stunningly beautiful January day when I left Kent, Ohio. It was one of those "sky is clear blue with tiny strands of white clouds hanging like lace curtains" days. Exquisite travel day. It was one of those days when if I had been hiking, I would have noticed details like bugs on leaves, tiny pine cones in the grass, how the sun forms rainbows on leaf dew. I am sure you've had days like that.
But I was driving. Home. I instead I turned my thoughts inward to family, friends, love and beauty and the timelessness of enjoying NOW. The winter sun, absent or clouded in winter in NE Ohio shone brightly and warmed the interior of the car, it felt just like summer and oh how good this felt at this moment to have that warmth on my fingers clutching the wheel and on my face. Soaking up the much need Vitamin D. Welcoming that light in that moment, opened my heart.
As I was driving, I noticed small birds flying and ugly trash blowing across the road...the contrast of beauty and ugliness, reminders that living in the moment means accepting what we judge as good or bad and dealing with it without judgement because it is just THERE in that moment and like trash blowing across the road or birds flying across one's line of sight it will be gone in the next moment. For me this brings freedom; freedom to not be burdened by little birds that fly into your life or trash that blows through.
At the end of the day, I was greeted by the most beautiful sunset I've seen in a long time. It capped off a day where I was thankful for the tiniest thing. The colors of that sunset blended into the most spectacular colors, pinks, purples, dusty blues and yellows. It filled my warm heart with such gratefulness. I felt as if Mother Nature had painted that for me so that I'd remember for a long time that if you let things build up inside, if you spend your moments dwelling on the what ifs and what wills of life you miss the what is right there in front of yous.
And it is in these moments, the right now moments where inspiration and gratitude reside. I love looking at the big picture but also that day was reminded of all the little pieces that build up to make that big picture. If you walk too fast with your eyes all the way into the future, you miss the building blocks upon which that big picture rests.
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